Certifications and Awards

I have earned 26 certifications from certification exams paid by different organizations. Some of them are displayed below, along with awards I recieved. (NOTE: Page under development.)

1st Place in Python Programming

Created a Python application according to specifications in ninety minutes and successfully passed the Certiport IT Specialist exam in Python at the 2022 National Leadership Conference for Business Professionals of America. Utilized OOP paradigm.

MIT MITES Semester Best of Science Writing 2022

Wrote 'Securing the Internet with Light', exploring how photonic qubits and & the wireless quantum BB84 protocol could improve internet security. Interviewed quantum communication Professor Mohsen Razavi from the University of Leeds for insight on his work with this protocol.

See article
"Spotlight On Excellence"

My team and I were featured on a Lowell Public School Committee meeting to talk about TPI and the need for CS resources at Lowell High School.

Unity Certified User: Programmer

Demonstrated that I can build my own projects using C# in Unity, navigate the Unity interface and API basics, and program a function state machine.

See certification
Certiport IT Specialist: Python

Demonstrated that I can recognize and write syntactically correct Python code that will logically solve a given problem. This includes topics from data types to built-in modules.

See certification
Google Data Analytics

Those who earn the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate have completed eight courses, developed by Google, that include hands-on, practice-based assessments and are designed to prepare them for introductory-level roles in Data Analytics. They are competent in tools and platforms including spreadsheets, SQL, Tableau, and R. They know how to prepare, process, analyze, and share data for thoughtful action.

See certification